It sounds like some new exercise trend. 'Plopping' refers to a method of helping to create curl structure prior to diffusing or air drying that has become a favorite among NaturallyCurly.com members.
As described by a member, after one washes and conditions the hair, you apply product to wet hair and get ready to 'plop.' Put a t-shirt or aquis towel down on a chair - some use the toilet with seat down. Leaning over the towel/t-shirt with your head hanging down bent over from your waist, position the wet hair onto towel so the curls are all concentrated on top of the head. Then pull the towel taut against the top and sides of the head, grabbing the 2 sides and twisting them into long sausage rolls near each ear. Take these rolled up towel extensions and pull them to the nape of the neck and secure them by tying them together.
Says one reader, 'Then I put go about my morning routine — makeup, coffee, etc. The towel helps to absorb excess water while letting the curls 'set' into clumps. When you take the towel off, gently shake down the curls and diffuse 's' shaped, individual curly locks, with some volume at the roots.
If you want extra control, another member suggests spritzing on on some spray gel or scrunch in a bit more gel after you take the towel off.
...This sounds like a good method for drying locs too.
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