AUG 1ST 2004 -MY 3 YEARS MARK of locing ~~loc freedom and freeforming all the way... Be peace. ~ *feel free to leave comments*

Monday, August 16, 2004


Its refreshing to see natural hair everywhere I go now... I'm not even 'trying' to spot them, they just show up in their Big afros and bushy locs... I love it! And it seems every culture and race has caught on.

I have always loved locs on everyone -no matter what their race is. Recently on a trip to Amsterdam, there were so many white people with locs who smiled back it was unbelievable! Locs come in all forms, and I love them!

People have asked why my website is geared towards afro hair -the simple answer is that I can only work with what I know about my experiences -being that I have afro hair, I talk through that experience. But in reality, locs of any texture comes down to simple loc routines. Afro hair is beautiful -but knowing that everyone can appreciate an experience , no matter what race, is a great thought!

Locs are truly peace.

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